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Showing posts with label Web Development. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Web Development. Show all posts

Blog Topics Ideas

 Blog Topics Ideas


Step by step on how to build a blog

Best tools for blogging

Top blogging practices

Best blog platform

Share writing tips

Top wordpress plugins

Best hosting

How to build your business

How to promote your blog


Favorite fashion designer

Favorite place to shop for clothes

What is your fashion style

How to dress like your favorite celebrity

Clothing haul

DIY clothing

Best online clothing store

Outfit of the day


How to make your own ……….

Your favorite beauty products

Top makeup products

Best hair products

Top …….. beauty products

Nail tutorials

Hairstyle tutorials

Makeup tutorials

The best way to get rid of……..

Makeup hauls


Favorite meal

Easy meal plans

Pre-made meal plans

How to prep food

How to store food

Food hauls

Best couponing methods

Cooking equipment you use

Favorite kid meals

Weekly/monthly food plans


Things you don’t know about me

Favorite movie

Favorite music

Best dollar store hauls

DIY crafts

Craft tutorials

Travel bucket list

How to pack for vacation

Traveling with kids

Best road trips

Places to visit before you die

How to get travel deals

Book review

What you have learned

Advice for your younger self

Advice your parents gave you


If you have any great blog topic ideas please comment and share. I hope you have enjoyed and find this helpful.

You don't have to be a great Writer or Not?


You don't have to be a great Writer

It doesn’t matter whether you went to college or if you majored in journalism or underwater basket weaving. No one cares.

Your blog readers (depending on your topic and who you’re writing for) are most likely going to be average, everyday people who also aren’t professional writers. So they’re not going to know that you should have used a semicolon there or that your blog post is chock full of comma splices.

Writing for the web is far different from academic writing. I have seen some terrible grammar in the blogging world from very successful bloggers. 

That’s because no one cares about your grammar, they care about your ideas and how you’re able to communicate those.

So you don’t have to be a great writer. However, you do need to be a good conversationalist.

Freelance Writing


Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online. Many successful freelancers can earn an average of 50 cents to a dollar per word. Some are earning twice that!

Of course, it doesn’t start out like that. You’ve got to build your portfolio and your résumé, blah blah blah. If you’re interested in writing, I’m sure you know this. If you’re not interested in writing, I wouldn’t recommend traveling down this road just for the money.

It takes dedication and time, though it can be highly profitable if it’s what you love. Assuming it is what you love, let’s talk about making money with it.

Before you decide to start reaching out to all of these freelance writing companies, you need to have a web presence. You need a blog (in my humble blogger opinion, of course).

Or you could just have an online portfolio. Even a LinkedIn profile works to get started. When you’re ready to start, here are 150 resources to help you write better, faster and more persuasively.

If that’s intimidating, just start with these 50 resources.

Now for what you’ve all been waiting for; once you’re ready to actually start making money, here are 10 websites you can start with:

> Listverse – Listverse pays $100 for each accepted post. The article must be a list, it must be at least 1,500 words and you must include at least 10 things. Other than that, you can get pretty creative with it.

> TopTenz – TopTenz pays $50 for each accepted post. Again, the article has to be in a list format and it must be at least 1,500 words, with few exceptions. They post often so your chances of getting accepted are fairly high.

> A List Apart – A List Apart pays $200 for each accepted post. They’re not first on the list, because they tend to publish less articles, which means you have a smaller chance of getting accepted. Same guidelines as above, 1,500 word minimum.

> International Living – International Living pays $75 for each accepted post. They are mostly looking for travel experiences from countries you have visited. For this site, it’s more about your experience than your writing ability.

> FundsforWriters – FundsforWriters pays $50 for each accepted post. They are looking for articles about writing and making money with it. They only accept articles between 500-600 words, but they want you to make each word count.

> Uxbooth – Uxbooth pays $100 for each accepted post. They do tend to take four to eight weeks to accept and post articles, so don’t count on this being a quick money maker. They take so long, because they pair with editors to only publish amazing content.

> iWriter – iWriter pays up to $15 for each accepted post. That may seem small, but they aren’t as strict as many of the others above and they also allow you to pick exactly what you write. You can write as many or as few articles as you want.

> Textbroker – Textbroker pays up to five cents per word, if you’re a 5-star writer. You’ll start by submitting a short sample article and you will most likely start as a 3-star writer, but you can work your way up by writing more and writing great content.

> Matador Network – Matador Network pays up to $60 for each accepted post, but standard pay is around $20-$25. They don’t really focus on a minimum word count, but they have a maximum count of 1,500 words.

> The Penny Hoarder – The Penny Hoarder pays up to $800 (rarely), depending upon the number of page views you receive. The pay starts at $100 for 50,000 page views, so this isn’t a guaranteed paid article, but it can potentially be highly rewarding.

There’s no doubt that you can make money with freelance writing, but it’s a process. Once you start building your portfolio and your writing skills, you can start making some serious money. If you’re not an experienced writer, expect to put some time in before you really start to see some dough.

How To Create Your Blog


Part 3 – How To Create Your Blog

In this part you’ll start a blog on WordPress.

It’s simple – if you want to be a successful blogger you need to run your blog on a successful platform.

Let me give you an analogy – if you wanted to open a successful restaurant, would you use ingredients you could find for free? Of course not because who knows what you kind of ingredients you would be getting at no cost. You would start with the best ingredients you could afford.

Lucky for you – it doesn’t cost much to get started blogging (in other words, it’s the cheapest business you’ll ever start). You can get a good quality restaurant up and be running without breaking the bank. Plus if you decide you don’t want to be a chef, you get a 100% money back guarantee. Not bad!

Where to get started

WordPress is the #1 blogging software in the world. If you want to start a WordPress blog for cheap, going with Bluehost to run your blog is the answer.

I’ve used Bluehost to start three companies (including this website). In fact, the first time I used them was in 2005.

You can start your blog with Bluehost for as low as $2.95 a month (a discounted rate I personally negotiated and that is available only through my link on. Plus they give you a free domain name if you go with the 12-month hosting plan (that’s a $15 value).

The best investment you can make is signing up for the 12-month hosting plan through Bluehost. You save money by signing up for at least 12 months.

If you change your mind later, you can get a refund at any time. In six months if you decide to get a refund (you won’t because you’ll enjoy blogging so much), you can get a partial refund for your unused time.

Why pay for hosting?

You can find free blogging services like Blogger where you could start a blog. I already mentioned how that would be like using free ingredients to cook with and start a restaurant.
Here’s what’s important – if you ever want to:
• make money off your blog
• make money off your freelancing
• build a successful business
• have a professional looking website that attracts visitors and customers
you have to pay for hosting.

The reason is simple – customization and flexibility. Free blogging services like Blogger don’t allow you to add all of the features available with paid hosting. Such as:
• shopping carts
• advertising
• speed enhancements to improve the user experience
• free add-ons to make your site look better
• access to thousands of free WordPress plugins (custom functions and features so that each blogger can tailor their site to their specific needs)

I’ve been building online businesses and e-commerce websites since 2000. I would never in my life start a new website with a “free” blogging or “free” website platform. If you do, within months your website is going to start growing, and you’re going to have to switch to a paid platform anyway. You will have thrown away all that time (and lost money in the process).

I’ll give you another analogy. With free hosting, it’s like renting an apartment that has steel walls. You can’t use a hammer and nails to hang pictures, install shelves, put up wallpaper or hang a TV mount.

With paid hosting, your apartment is like a modular office space you can customize however you want. You can move the walls around, put nails in to hang pictures everywhere you want, install shelves, mount five TVs around the place, etc. Heck, you can even cut a hole in the wall and stick in a new window if you want.

You need to be able to customize your site if you want to make money.

For example, if you want to make money from advertising, advertisers prefer professional looking websites. A professional looking website is much harder to get with the free blogging services, which is just one more reason to go with a hosting platform like Bluehost.

Why Use Bluehost?

Here is why I trust and recommend Bluehost to new bloggers:
• Amazing 24×7 support via phone, e-mail, or chat. If you have questions on getting started or setup, you can get help quickly and easily
• It’s easy to get started. My 15-minute tutorial walks you through step-by-step how to get started blogging. It really is that easy to start a WordPress blog.
• FREE blog domain – Bluehost will give you a domain name for free such as
• 100% Money Back Guarantee – Bluehost has a 30-day money back guarantee
• FREE WordPress setup. WordPress is the blogging software used by the majority of bloggers. Bluehost includes an easy setup for adding WordPress.
• Reliability – Bluehost websites are up 99.9% of the time. Reliability is important because if your blog is down, you don’t make any money! I lost over $5,000 in one day before when GoDaddy was hacked and my website was unavailable.
• Self-hosting. If your goal is to make money from your blog you have to have a self-hosted blog. Self-hosting just means you are paying to host the blog yourself using a service, as opposed to using a free service that hosts it for you.
• You’ll look professional – Free blogs like Blogger, Tumblr, or limit you in various ways and appear less professional than self-hosted blogs.
• It’s cheap! Price matters. And when you have quality and price, it’s a win-win for you. Bluehost starts at just $2.95 per month (a discounted rate available through my link) which is less than a cup of coffee!
When you are ready to get started. There are a lot of blog hosting companies you might come across. As someone who has been in the online business since 2000 and has started three successful companies using Bluehost, invest in yourself and check them out.

Naming your blog

What if you can’t think of a name for your blog?
One challenge of getting started blogging has nothing to do with writing or setting up the blog. It’s figuring out what to name your blog!
You might think all the good names are taken! It just takes time to find the right one for you.
Even if you can’t think of one yet, you can get your blog setup and finish up the name later. I’ve worked on a lot of websites where we had an idea (our adoption website) and started developing it, only to settle on a name weeks later (
If you’re stuck on picking a name check out the book
Action Items
1. Sign up for a blog host (Bluehost is the one I recommend) and get WordPress installed. You can follow my step-by-step instructions.
2. Start thinking about a name for your blog