Post Link Sharing: Blogger Tips & Tricks

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Showing posts with label Blogger Tips & Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogger Tips & Tricks. Show all posts

4 Potent Tactics to Capture More Leads from Your Blog

4 Potent Tactics to Capture More Leads from Your Blog

When running a blog, one of your goals should be to convert as much traffic as you can into leads. Capturing more leads will help increase revenue as you will have an audience to promote your courses, services and products to.

You can also take advantage of leads and increase traffic as you can share your latest blog posts. This will especially increase repeat traffic which only makes up 20% of daily visits (80% are new). When people visit your blog again, it begins the nurturing process and they begin to trust you. Hence, they will be more likely to buy from you or hire you.

There are plenty of tactics out there for generating leads. On one end of the spectrum, there’s the tried-and-true method of publishing a downloadable ebook and gating it behind a landing page form. On the other end of the spectrum are sophisticated tools for content audience intelligence analytics that can help you identify anonymous site visitors, so you can reach out to them and offer assistance. And in between are the below tactics, which require relatively little maintenance but support highly targeted messaging for maximum audience resonance.

Run high converting quizzes

A lead capturing technique that has been picking up plenty of pace lately is quizzes. This is where you set up an automated quiz which asks your blog visitors a bunch of questions and at the end the quiz directs them to an optin form where they can download a lead magnet like a report or an ebook.

Most people who take part in the quiz will sign up for the report as the lead magnet that is shown is very relevant to the answers they submitted. It gives them exactly what they are looking for.

But for this to work you need to do a lot of audience research and ask the right questions. You also need to create several lead magnets as for high conversion rates you need to offer very specific gated content.

Brianna Brenner of Spiked Parenting for example increased her blog conversion rate by 233% by using the above quiz for just two weeks. Her average weekly sign ups went up to 70 from 30 after implementing the quiz. I recommend that you test out the quiz and see how it works. Based on your answers it provides 16 different results, so it should definitely give you several ideas on how to set up yours.

After you go through the above quiz think about your audience and get inside their minds. Then write down all the problems they have and create a quiz that asks the questions they want to answer.

Create content upgrades for each blog post

Another lead capturing method that provides massive conversion rates is content upgrades. A content upgrade is a lead magnet that is created specifically for one blog post. They have unbelievable conversion rates as the topic of the upgrade is highly relevant to the topic of the blog post.

An example of a blogger who consistently uses content upgrades is Brian Dean of Backlino. he has achieved great results with them. In this post Brian explains how he created a checklist on Google ranking factors for his blog post on the same topic and it increased conversions by 785%.

All readers need to do is click on the link and sign up with their email address to get the checklist.

You don’t have to break your back to come up with time consuming lead magnets. A checklist based on the topic of the post they are reading should be enough. Other simple lead magnets you can create are short videos, PDF versions of blog posts (especially if they are long) to read later, etc.

Promote webinars with ads

If you want to combine the above organic lead generation methods with some paid methods I recommend you try out webinars as they have a high conversion rate. Adobe for example were able to get a registration rate averaging at 51% with their webinar landing pages.

For best results make sure you run highly targeted ads and pick a webinar topic most of your readers will like. Also create a powerful landing page that promotes the webinar as a one time live event as this is the factor that produces the really high conversion rates.

And make sure you regularly send reminders via email and SMS so that most of the registrants attend.

You can use webinars to convert organic traffic as well, but your conversion rate won’t be very high. So use a mix of both organic and paid traffic to promote live webinars. For converting organic traffic you can use recorded webinars.

Webinars are also very good at converting attendees to buyers so make sure you sell some products or services at the end.

Try retargeting to reach people who didn’t sign up

No matter how many techniques you use most of the people who visit your website will not convert to leads. To convert these people you should use an ad technique called retargeting. This is where you install a pixel provided by the social network or search engine on your website. The pixel tracks website visitors so when you create an ad you can target the same people who visited your website.

They work best when you target people who visited a certain part of your website instead of everyone because you can display very relevant ads.

Most top sites like Linkedin, Google, Facebook and Pinterest allow you to retarget blog visitors. But make sure you have a different ad strategy for each social network as they have their own restrictions and best practices.

Implement these potent tactics to capture more leads now

These are the 5 tactics you can use to convert more leads from your blog. They require some extra effort when compared to regular lead generation techniques, but they are worth it as they help you convert more leads. This in turn will help you increase revenue.

10 Tips for writing a blog post


10 Tips for writing a blog post

Here are ten tips that help me with my blog writing. 

1. Make your opinion known

2. Link like crazy

3. Write less

4. 250 Words is enough

5. Make Headlines snappy

6. Write with passion

7. Include Bullet point lists

8. Edit your post

9. Make your posts easy to scan

10. Be consistent with your style

11. Litter the post with keywords

1. Make your opinion known

People like blogs, they like blogs because they are written by people and not corporations. People want to know what people think, crazy as it sounds they want to know what you think. Tell them exactly what you think using the least amount of words possible.

2. Link like crazy.

Support your post with links to other web pages that are contextual to your post.

3. Write Less

Give the maximum amount of information with the least amount of words. Time is finite and people are infinitely busy. Blast your knowledge into the reader at the speed of sound.

4. 250 is enough

A long post is easier to forget and harder to get into. A short post is the opposite.

5. Make Headlines snappy

Contain your whole argument in your headline. Check out National newspapers to see how they do it.

6. Include bullet point lists

We all love lists, it structures the info in an easily digestible format.

7. Make your posts easy to scan

Every few paragraphs insert a sub heading. Make sentences and headlines short and to the point.

8. Be consistent with your style

People like to know what to expect, once you have settled on a style for your audience stick to it.

9. Litter the post with Keywords.

Think about what keywords people would use to search for your post and include them in the body text and headers. make sure the keyword placement is natural and does not seem out of place.

10. Edit your post

Good writing is in the editing. Before you hit the submit button, re-read your post and cut out the stuff that you don’t need.

I hope you enjoyed my tips for writing a blog post – feel free to share your own blog writing tips below.

20 Recommendations for your Blog


20 Recommendations for your Blog

1. Find Your Niche. You needn’t have a niche, but it helps. When learning how to be a blogger, it’s important to ask yourself what you’re passionate about. Running? Cooking? Being a parent? Have you found your passion? If so, whatever it is, write about that. If not, then you must first find your passion. (Note: We generally recommend that people don’t start a blog about minimalism or the paleo diet or any other heavily saturated topic. But what we really mean when we say this is: don’t create a blog about something unless you have a unique perspective. If you’ve embraced simple living and have a unique perspective, then by all means have at it. Enjoy yourself.)

2. Define Your Ideal Readers. Once you’ve found your niche, you need to know who will be reading your blog. For example, we blog about living intentionally. Thus, our ideal readers are people who are interested in exploring minimalism so they can clear the path toward more meaningful lives. If you want to write about your newborn baby growing up, that’s wonderful: your ideal readers are probably your friends and family. If you want to write about restoring classic cars, that’s cool, too. Tailor your writing to your readers (whether it’s your family or local community or whoever else will read your blog).

3. Add Value. Your blog must add value to its readers’ lives. This is the only way you will get Great Quality Readers to your site (and keep them coming back). Adding value is the only way to get someone’s long-term buy-in. We both learned this after a decade of leading and managing people in the corporate world.

4. Be Original. Yes, there are other blogs out there about the same thing you want to write about. Question: So why is your blog different? Answer: Because of you. You are what makes your blog different. It’s about your perspective, your creativity, the value that you add.

5. Be Interesting. Write epic, awesome content. Especially if you want people to share it with others.

6. Be Yourself. Part of being interesting is telling your story. Every person is unique, and your story is an important one. The important part of storytelling, however, is removing the superfluous details that make the story uninteresting. A great storyteller removes 99% of what really happens—the absorptive details—and leaves the interesting 1% for the reader.

7. Be Honest. Your blog needs to be authentic—it needs to feel real—if you want people to read it. You can be your blog, or your blog can be you. That is, do you really embody the stuff you write about? If not, people will see through you. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” is the famous Gandhi quote. Perhaps bloggers should build the blog they want to write for the world.

8. Transparency. Being transparent is different from being honest. You needn’t share every detail about your life just for the sake of being honest. Always be honest, and be transparent when it adds value to what you’re writing. (You won’t ever see pictures of us using the restroom on our site, because that’s just not relevant.)

9. Time. Once you’ve learned how to start a blog, you’ll learn that blogging takes a lot of time, especially if you’re as neurotic as we are (we spent over 10 hours testing the fonts on this site). And see those Twitter and Facebook icons in the header? We spent hours on those, deciding what was right for us). That said, once you have your design set up, don’t tweak it too much. Instead, spend the time on your writing.

10. Vision. The reason our site design looks good is because we have a great host, we have a great theme, and most important, we had a vision of how we wanted our blog to look. Once we had the vision, we worked hard to make that vision a reality. (Note: neither of us had any design experience prior to starting a blog.) It’s hard to create a beautiful blog if you don’t know what you want it to look like.

11. Find Your Voice. Over time, good writers discover their voice and their writing tends to develop a certain aesthetic, one that is appealing to their readers. Finding your voice makes your writing feel more alive, more real, more urgent. For additional reading, check out our essay about Finding Your Voice.

12. We Instead of You. Use the first-person plural when possible. Statements of we and our are more powerful than you and your, especially when talking about negative behaviors or tendencies. The first person comes off as far less accusatory. Think of it this way: we’re writing peer-to-peer—we are not gods.

13. When to Post. Question: When is the best day and time to publish a blog post? Answer: It doesn’t really matter. We don’t adhere to a particular schedule. Some weeks we post one essay; sometimes we post three. Yes, it is important to write consistently, but you needn’t get too bogged down in the details.

14. Social Media. Yes, we recommend using Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to help connect with your audience and other bloggers, but don’t get too caught up in it. Focus on the writing first, social media thereafter.

15. Ignore Negative Criticism and Stupidity. Sure, we get a lot of negative comments and stupid questions from ignorant people who aren’t really our readers (e.g., negative comments like “You’re not real minimalists” and stupid questions like “Are you guys gay?”). We call these people seagulls: they fly in, crap on your site, and fly away. But we pay them no mind, because we didn’t start our blog for them. Delete their comment and move on.

16. Research. Spend time researching what you’re writing about. The reason we are able to use so many helpful, relevant links in our essays is because we put in the time to research our topics.

17. Keep It Simple. This is where minimalism can be applied to starting any blog, irrespective of its genre. No need to place superfluous advertisements or widgets all over your site. Stick to the basics and remove anything you don’t need. Remove anything that doesn’t add value.

18. Picture. Put a picture of yourself on your blog. People identify with other people. If two goofy guys from Ohio aren’t too afraid to put their pictures on their site, then you have nothing to worry about.

19. Comments. If you’re going to have comments on your site, then read The Five Words That Kill Your Blog by Scott Stratten.

20. Live Your Life. You’re blogging about your life (or about certain aspects of your life, at least), so you still need to live your life. There are things that we always put before writing: exercise, health, relationships, experiences, personal growth, contribution.

CSS Background in Blogger Blogspot

CSS Background in Blogger Blogspot

 How to set backgrounds for different HTML elements. You can set the following background properties for an item:

  • The background image property is used to set the background image of an item.
  • The Background Repeat feature is used to control the repetition of a background image.
  • The Background Repeat feature is used to control the repetition of a background image.
  • The background-position property is used to control the position of an image in the background.
  • The background-attachment property is used to control the scrolling of an image in the background.
  • The background property is used as a shorthand to specify the number of other background properties.

How to Set the Background Color 

Here is an example showing how to set the background color to part.
<p style="background-color:yellow;">This text has a yellow background color.</p>

It will produce the following result:
This text has a yellow background color.                                        

How to Set the Background Image

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);">
This table has background image set.

How to Repeat the Background Image in Blogger

The following example shows how to repeat the background image if the image Small. You can use the non-repeat value for the background-repeat feature if you don't want to duplicate an image. In this case, the image will be shown only once. By default, the background-repeat feature will have a repeat value.

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);background-repeat: repeat;"><tr><td>This table has background image which repeats multiple times.</td></tr></table>
The following example shows how to duplicate the background image vertically.

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);background-repeat: repeat-y;"><tr><td>This table has background image set which will repeat vertically.</td></tr></table>
The following example shows how to duplicate the background image horizontally.

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);background-repeat: repeat-x;"><tr><td>This table has background image set which will repeat horizontally.</td></tr></table>

How to Set the Background Image Position in Blogger

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);



Background image positioned 100 pixels away from the left.
The following example demonstrates how to set the background image position 100pixels away from the left side and 200 pixels down from the top. 
The following example shows how to position the background image 100 Pixel away from the left side and 200 pixels down from the top.

<table style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);

background-position:100px 200px;">

This table has background image positioned 100
pixels away from the left and 200 pixels from the top.

 How to Set the Background Attachment

The background-attachment determines whether the background image is fixed or scrolled with it The rest of the page.

The following example explains how to set a static background image.

<p style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);background-attachment:fixed;">This parapgraph has fixed background image.</p>
The following example shows how to set a scrolling background image. 

<p style="background-image:url(/images/pattern1.gif);background-attachment:scroll;">This parapgraph has scrolling background image.</p>

How to reduce ownership 

You can use the background feature to set all background properties at once. For

<p style="background:url(/images/pattern1.gif) repeat fixed;">This paragraph has a fixed repeated background image.</p>
I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. CSS Background in Blogger Blogspot.

How To Add Demo And Download Button In Blogspot


How To Add Demo And Download Button In Blogspot?

We know that a blogger needs more customization than other CMS. As blogger doesn’t support any plugin so we will have to add this demo and download button in our blogger blog by editing our current blogger template.

This is not so complicated. You just have to add a piece of CSS code into your blogger template. After that, you have to use a small piece of HTML code to show your demo and download button.

1. Login to your blogger account and go to “Template” section. Now you will see the “Edit HTML” button. Click on it to open blogger’s template editor. Note: Keep a backup of your blogger template before editing.

Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot

2. Search for this line: ]]></b:skin>. Now copy the below CSS code and paste it right above the ]]></b:skin> line. Click on the “Save Template” button.

Demo and Download Button Style 1:

CSS Code (Main):

/* Demo Download Button By BlogOrnate------------------------------------------------------ */.boddbtn {text-align:center;color:#fff !important;list-style:none;margin:10px !important;padding:10px !important;font-size:14px;display:inline-block;text-decoration:none !important;clear:both;}.boddbtn ul {padding:0;margin:0;}.boddbtn li {list-style:none;display:inline;padding:0;margin:5px;}.demobtn,.downloadbtn{color:#fff !important;padding:12px 15px !important;font-size:13px;font-weight:700;font-family:oswald;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;border-radius:3px;border:0;letter-spacing:1px;transition: all 0.2s ease-out;text-decoration:none !important;}.demobtn {background-color: #3498db;}.downloadbtn {background-color: #34d968}.demobtn:hover {background-color: #2980b9;color: #fff;}.downloadbtn:hover {background-color: #2fbd5a;color: #fff;}

Note: Replace the highlighted section with style 2, style 3, style 4 or style 5 codes to get your desired button style. 

Demo and Download Button Style 2:

Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot

.demobtn {background-color: #516EAB;}.downloadbtn {background-color: #29C5F6}.demobtn:hover {background-color: #435B8E;color: #fff;}.downloadbtn:hover {background-color: #26A6CE;color: #fff;}

Demo and Download Button Style 3: 

Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot

.demobtn {background-color: #EB4026;}.downloadbtn {background-color: #CA212A}.demobtn:hover {background-color: #C83821;color: #fff;}.downloadbtn:hover {background-color: #A61B22;color: #fff;}

Demo and Download Button Style 4: 

Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot

.demobtn {background-color: #444444;}.downloadbtn {background-color: #2C3D4F;}.demobtn:hover {background-color: #222;color: #fff;}.downloadbtn:hover {background-color: #24313F;color: #fff;}

Demo and Download Button Style 5: 

Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot

.demobtn {background-color: #E84C3D;}.downloadbtn {background-color: #82BF57}.demobtn:hover {background-color: #C83821;color: #fff;}.downloadbtn:hover {background-color: #6FA34A;color: #fff;}

3. Here is the HTML code for adding the demo and download button into your blogger post. Copy the below HTML code > go to the post’s HTML mode > Paste it inside your blog post to show your chosen demo and download button. 

HTML Code:

<div style="text-align: center;"><ul class="boddbtn"><li><class="demobtn" href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">DEMO</a></li><li><class="downloadbtn" href="#" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">DOWNLOAD</a></li></ul></div>

Replace # with your own demo and download URL. 

I hope you enjoy this post and the photos. Stylish Demo Download Button Blogger Blogspot