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Showing posts with label Millionaire. Show all posts

Start a Dropshipping Business


Start a Dropshipping Business

Drop shipping is an extremely popular business model for new entrepreneurs, especially gen Zers and millennials, due to internet marketing skills far outweighing financial capacity. Since you don’t need to stock or handle the items you are selling, it’s possible to start a drop shipping business with limited funds.
An ecommerce website that operates a drop shipping model purchases the items it sells from a third-party supplier or manufacturer, who then fulfills the order. This not only cuts operational costs, but it also frees up your time to focus all of your efforts on customer acquisition.

Suitable For

Entrepreneur and Business Mind Person.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Choosing a Dropshipping Business Idea

Truth is, what you sell matters. You should take some time to find the best dropshipping business ideas. Most people tell you to pick a niche you’re passionate about. But that’s only a half truth. It’s about a combination of profit and passion, skewed towards profit. The reality is the best dropshipping business ideas are usually the profitable ones. It’s a lot easier to be passionate when you’re actually making money.

Step 2: Competitor Analysis

Once you have decided what to sell you now need to educate yourself on who your competitors are, what they sell, and how they sell their products. There are many ways to do this.

Enter the name of one of the products you want to sell into Google and do a quick search to see who shows up on top. The top ten results on Google or any other search engine will give you a good indication of your competition in a certain location. If you are selling products in a location different from where you are based you can use third party tools to gather data. Use tools like SEM Rush or Ahref to get information about search results in different locations across the world.
Search through Alexa or SimilarWeb to find niche competitors that might not show up high in general search results. These websites will give a summary of the websites you are searching for including their social media profiles, any advertising they are doing, audience and traffic information for their website, and a list of competitors for that business.
Hunt around on social media. I’ve come up with dropshipping business ideas by doing competitor analysis. I’ll browse Facebook ads within a niche and social media pages for top brands. How many followers do they have? How do they market their brand? How much engagement does their brand get? What can I do differently to stand out against them? What are they doing right that I should copy?
Know your competitors content and what performs better for them through the use of BuzzSumo so you can replicate. This tool will give you insight into what content gets the most social shares so you can find inspiration for new blog ideas. Signing up to a competitor’s newsletters can also keep you on top of their content if they share their blog content this way.

Step 3: Find a Supplier

When you have a list of five or six potential suppliers to choose from you can move onto the next step which is contacting these suppliers to ask important questions like minimum order quantities and shipping times.
By now you probably have reduced possible suppliers from a list of 5 suppliers to 2-3. The best way to make the decision now is to place a sample order with them for a product and compare the results. Compare delivery time, product quality, and packaging while making a decision, keeping your customer in mind and what they will expect from you when placing an order.

Step 4: Building a Dropshipping Business Store

There are a few components to building a dropshipping ecommerce business the right way. Here are a few:
Domain Name – Your domain name matters, especially if building a long-term brand. You can use free business name generators to help you simplify the process. Always get a .com domain, no matter what. If you want your niche as a keyword in the domain make sure it’s broad like beauty, jewelry, fashion rather than very specific so you don’t need to change your domain name down the road. Also, avoid using your name as the domain for your store. If you ever sell your business, you could legally use the rights to your own name
Sign up for Shopify – Shopify is the most comprehensive ecommerce platform on the market. With new features, tools, resources and apps being added regularly, you’ll find that it’s easy to use and run a business on the platform. Plus, if you get stuck you can reach out to a Shopify guru who will personally walk you through any steps for free.
Shopify Themes – Personally, my go to free theme is Minimal Vintage it’s easy to navigate, clean and overall a great starter theme for those on a tight budget. Themes can be changed overtime. In the beginning while you’re just testing out free themes do get the job done. Once you’ve started making some money, you can invest it into buying a new theme for a better store design.

Step 5: Marketing Your Dropshipping Business with Everything You’ve Got

So at this point, you’ve found your product and built your store, now’s the time to market your dropshipping business like there’s no tomorrow. This is a crucial step in your dropshipping business plan. So don’t keep making tweaks to your store design and pretend like you’re making improvements. You don’t need to be scared of putting yourself out there. Getting your first sale is one of the best feelings!
If you’re just starting out, you’re probably on that super tight budget. Some of my best marketing ideas have come from those super frugal moments. Here’s a few to get you started:
Facebook Advertising: I know it can be tempting to blow $500 on Facebook ads. Many new entrepreneurs think you’ll make it rain money on your first try – you won’t. My first ad I spent $20 and lost all of it to no conversions. I actually cried from a failed ad. But truth is, I didn’t risk much. So I bounced back quickly and created a second ad which converted at five cents a click. You need to keep your budget low at the beginning to be able to afford experimentation. You don’t even know what your best selling product will be at this point. Create several ads to figure out which product sells best. When it comes to targeting, create a World ad but remove Canada, Australia, United States and U.K. this will keep your ad costs lower. As your business grows, or if you have a bigger budget, you can create separate ads for those four countries. So the United States will have its own ad, as will the remaining three.
Retargeting Ads: If you’re really tight on budget, I really like retargeting ads because they keep the cost low. This ad works great if you have a store with tons of traffic. Maybe you’re marketing for free on Pinterest and getting a lot of traffic from there. Maybe you wrote a blog post on your website, featured influencers and now influencers are sharing your blog for free. With a retargeting ad, you take that free traffic and it’s a lot more likely to convert into a paying customer. Even better than a standard Facebook ad. Plus, it’s a lot cheaper. It’s actually how I got my first sale in only two days.
Influencer Marketing: Starting a dropshipping business will require you be a bit scrappy in the beginning. If you can’t afford to pay influencers their rates, trust me this is a good thing, you can offer them an affiliate commission instead. Why is this a good thing? I learned the hard way that sometimes even a niche specific influencer doesn’t actually convert. It’s almost like a shot in the dark. If you pay an affiliate fee for every sale, you lower the risk for your dropshipping business and it’s up to the influencer to convert the sale. Plus, you’ll get some pictures which will help increase your social proof for your brand. If the influencer has real followers, they could potentially make a lot more money as an affiliate than they would’ve if they were paid a flat rate. Thus, giving them a chance to make even more money.

Step 6: Optimize

Once you have spent time building your website, brand, and marketing you can start to analyze the results of your hard work. You may find that certain marketing activities are hugely successful while others are not so much. Or you can look at your pricing against competitors and see if you could change things up a bit to make things more competitive.
You can use tools like Google Search Console or Analytics to evaluate your online traffic to make sure that traffic is increasing, not decreasing. If you are using third-party tools for email marketing or social media reporting, set up weekly or monthly automatic reports so that you will be reminded to analyze this information regularly. Even a quick snapshot of data from a tool can be enough to decide if a campaign is working or not.


1. Select a niche.

The niche you select needs to be laser-focused and something you are genuinely interested in. A product range that isn’t focused will be difficult to market. If you aren’t passionate about the niche you select, you will be more apt to becoming discouraged, because it takes a lot of work to successfully scale a drop shipping business.

2. Seek attractive profits.

When you are running a drop shipping business model, your focus is on marketing and customer acquisition, so the amount of work required to sell a $20 item is essentially the same as it would be to sell a $1,500 item. Select a niche with higher-priced products.

3. Low shipping costs are very important.

Even though your supplier or manufacturer will handle the shipping, if the cost is too high, it will act as customer repellant. Find something that is inexpensive to ship, as this also gives you the option of offering free shipping to your customers and absorbing that cost as a business expense in order to attract more sales.

4. Make sure your product appeals to impulse buyers with disposable income.

When you are focused on driving traffic to your website, you want to experience the highest conversion rate possible because most visitors will never return. The products you are selling should trigger impulse buys and appeal to those with the financial ability to make a purchase on the spot.

5. Make sure people are actively searching for your product.

Use Google’s Keyword Planner and Trends to check some common search terms related to your potential niche. If nobody is searching for what you are planning on selling, you are dead in the water before you even begin.

6. Create your own brand.

Your drop shipping business will have more value if you can rebrand whatever it is you are selling and pass it off as your own. Look for a product or line you can white label and sell as your own brand with custom packaging and branding.

7. Sell something that isn’t readily available locally.

Pick something your customer can’t find down the street. That way, you become more attractive to a potential customer.


Dropshipping has the advantage of allowing you control over your own money-making enterprises. You control how much money you bring in, how much you want to weave the product placement into your content, and what metrics you’ll use to define success.

Top 7  Websites

Email Marketing


Email Marketing

Basically the use of email to promote products and/or services. But a better email marketing definition is the use of email to develop relationships with potential customers and/or clients. Email marketing is one segment of internet marketing, which encompasses online marketing via websites, social media, blogs, etc. It is essentially the same as direct mail except that instead of sending mail through the postal service, messages are sent electronically via email.

Suitable For

People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade and ability to write promotional emails.

How to Get Started

Email marketing is very profitable but building an email list takes time. To build an email list, you will give away a free ebook or an email course anything that will help them in exchange for their email list. If you already own a blog you can create an opt-in form and ask your blog readers to subscribe to the weekly newsletter in exchange for their email. On an average, it takes 1 to 3 months to build a profitable size of the email list. But from long-term perspective, email list is one of the most profitable and stable ways of passive income


Build your own list. This has already been mentioned but buying email lists is a waste of time. All you're going to do by sending unsolicited email is turn off most of the people you're hoping to turn into customers and run the risk of being labeled a spammer.
Adhere to the rules of the CAM-SPAM Act. These rules include having a non-deceptive subject line, a method of unsubscribing, and your name and address at the end of the emails.
Don't just send out ads to buy all the time. Use your emails to build rapport with customers by sharing your expertise and/or that of others, giving them tips and insights they can value. Share information that lets them know more about you and/or your company if it's interesting.
Treat your list well. Remember that the people youre using email to communicate with have trusted you with their email and name; they deserve your respect. Just as you deserve as a chance to convert them from customers to fans and even evangelists for your brand, people who want to talk about and share your message and get involved in any way they can.
Stick to a schedule if youre doing a newsletter. Sending email on a regular day or days can help your subscribers know what to expect from you and when.


1. Send promotional emails to your email list which includes your affiliate links to products you are promoting.
2. More the people in your email list more the chances of the higher number of people clicking your affiliate links and purchasing the product. Hence, you generate more money through affiliate commissions.

Facebook Marketing


Facebook Marketing

Facebook Marketing is another form of affiliate marketing in which marketers promote products on Facebook. Facebook marketing refers to creating—and actively using—a Facebook page as a communications channel to maintain contact with and attract customers. Facebook actively provides for this, allowing users to create individual profiles or business pages for companies, organizations, or any group attempting to develop a fan base for a product, service, or brand.¼

Suitable For

Everyone who can use Facebook.

1. Ability to create appealing facebook post and images.
2. Ability to promote your page on Facebook.
3. Ability to persuade people with proper reasoning.

How to Get Started

You can easily start Facebook marketing by creating promotional posts and create a Facebook page promoting a product. This can be done within minutes.


1. Target an Insanely Specific Audience
2. Run a Simple Contest to Up Engagement
3. Create Short, Enticing Video Posts
4. Use Eye Contact in Your Images to Direct Attention
5. Post Images of Dogs Acting Like Humans or Babies Acting Like Adults
6. Target the Leads You Already Have on Facebook
7. Clone Your Main Revenue-Generating Audience
8. Humanize Your Brand with Fun Employee Photos
9. Only Pay to Promote Your Best Content
10. Use Emojis in Your Facebook Marketing


Get more people to visit on your Facebook page. Start promoting any affiliate product relevant to the Facebook page’s topic. If possible, use Facebook ads to promote your posts and pages in a wider range of audience. More people buy products from through affiliate link more money you make.



Service On Fiverr


Service On Fiverr

Fiverr is a global online marketplace which offers tasks, services and products, starting at a cost of $5. Fiverr gets almost 4.7 million visits per month. Your aim should be to leverage Fiverr’s powerful visitor base to reach more people and sell your services or products to them. Every service or task you offer on Fiverr is called a GIG. With Fiverr’s millions of visitor base, you don’t need much to worry about your gig’s promotion and payment handling as Fiverr handles this for you. All you need to do is focus on delivering high-quality work to maintain your ratings, as ratings given by your customers will have a huge impact on the failure or success of your gig. People offer a diverse variety of services on Fiverr which ranges from Graphics and Design, Digital Marketing, Music and Audio, Advertising to anything you can practically think of .
Remember you can sell your gig at any price, $5 is just the minimum starting price. Top Fiverr gig sellers make over $50,000 a year by leveraging the platform and providing high-quality services.

Suitable For

1. People who love to help others by making their life easier.
2. People who love the freedom to work, doing what they really like.
People having in-depth skills in any particular area, using which they can help other people to complete their tasks or ease their life.

How to Get Started

You can create a Gig on Fiverr almost within an hour. All you need to do is first sign up on Fiverr. While creating a gig you’ll have to insert your gig’s title, upload gig’s image, write gig on and insert relevant tags and keywords.


1. Find your best skills - The first thing you need to do is sit down quietly and figure out the skills in which you are the strongest and stick to tasks related to them till you see some success.
For e.g. If you are a person who can design logos and websites, then you should create and sell those gigs in Fiverr that are focused on logo creation and web designing.
2. Do your initial homework - Before diving into gig creation you must do some research to ensure that the gig you are planning to offer has interested buyers.
What if you have a wonderful gig idea, but it didn't sell?
To avoid such situation you must undertake necessary research to understand what buyers in your niche are looking for.
3. Find popular gigs related to your skill set - One of the best ways of seeing success with Fiverr is to dig out the popular gigs related to your skill set, study them, then model your gig accordingly.
Most important metrics you should look while studying other gigs are its:
Pricing Strategy
Upsell Strategy
Bonus Strategy

4. Craft your gig’s title - Now as you are ready with all the research data, jump into gig creation. Obviously, here title creation will be your first step.
Following are the steps you must follow to optimize your gig’s title.
Based on your research data model your gig title, use intriguing words into the title to ensure it catches your target customers the attention and is relevant to him/her.
For e.g. If you are offering a logo designing gig. You should consider using titles such as
I’ll design 3 MAGNIFICENT logos in 24 hours
I’ll design a PROFESSIONAL logos with free revisions
I’ll design 2 STUNNING logos BONUS Free editable file
All the above titles are beautifully crafted because they include two important things.
First, they all have intriguing words such as MAGNIFICIENT, PROFESSIONAL, STUNNING and BONUS. These words definitely help to catch the attention of the right people.
Second, they all are appealing to the most important aspects that any person who wants to design a logo is looking at.
For e.g. The first title “3 MAGNIFICENT logos in 24 hours” will appeal to the people who are in urgent need of a logo.
The second title “PROFESSIONAL logos with free revisions” will appeal to the kind of people who want the option of incorporating their changes into logo design.
The third title “2 STUNNING logos BONUS Free editable file” will appeal to the people who have some knowledge of logo designing and want to customize the logo on their own.
5. Create your gig’s image - While doing initial homework you must have observed that some gigs have better images than other which makes them really stand out.
Shortlist such images and take inspiration from them while modelling your image.
Once you’re ready with the initial idea use free online image editing tools such as Pixlr or BeFunky to create your gig’s image.
6. Write gig’s description - Your gig’s description plays an important role in convincing your potential customers to place an order with you.
So you must ensure that your gig's description is precise, clear and appealing to your potential customers.
Study other top related gig’s descriptions to get some inspiration and model your description on them.
Remember, don’t ever copy other gig’s description it will get you banned.
Just use theirs to get ideas for creating your unique description.
Also, make sure you’re listing your gig into the right category to maintain its relevancy.
7. Use right tags - Tags play most important role in ranking your gig higher.
Most people don’t realise its importance and ignore them, hence it provides you with the best opportunity to overtake them if you optimize your gig properly using accurate tags.
8. Apart from all the points mentioned above, you need to make sure that your work is credible and unique on Fiverr.
There might be many logo designers out there on Fiverr, but if you are the one who understands the needs of your clients and deliver the work in the best possible way then you’ll be able to secure them as your client for a long time.


Monetization is very simple. More people place orders with you more money you make.
Your delivery work influences your user ratings which directly affects your order placement.The simple rule of thumb is, higher the user ratings, higher your orders will be.
Fiverr handles all your transactions securely so you don’t need to worry about any payment processing issues.



Become A Freelancer


Become A Freelancer

A freelancer is someone who offers their services for a fee and usually with no expectation of a permanent single client, although the working relationship can be ongoing. It's a form of self-employment, similar to operating a home business versus telecommuting. With that said, a freelancer can work as a contractor, as opposed to a home business.

Suitable For

Anyone can become Freelancer just understand which skills you are good at.

How to Get Started

To freelance, you need to have a skill you can offer to potential clients. Most people draw on their employment experience, offering services using the talents they already have. Along with a service, some things to consider putting together include:
A business plan. While you may not be setting up an official home business, contact your city or county to determine if you need a business license to freelance. You will still need a plan that outlines what service you'll provide, the market you'll cater too, and marketing strategies
A website that tells about you and your services, and includes a portfolio of your work, and testimonials
A LinkedIn profile. While all social media can be a great resource to network for freelance work, LinkedIn is an online resume located in a place where professionals connect. It's also a great resource for ​finding freelance jobs
A dedicated business phone or cell phone number on which prospects can reach you
A business card
A menu of services and your freelance rates.


Freelance work can be found just about everywhere. Places to consider include those within your social network, online and off.
Go to where your target market hangs out and look and ask around there. The best place to find clients is where clients look for help. Learn about your market, what it reads, and where it goes to get support and be available to provide help, ideas, and resources
There are many great freelance sites to find work, including Upwork (formally Elance and Odesk), Guru, and Freelancer. You can also look for freelance work on sites targeting your skill — for example, Toptal for programmers or BloggingPro for freelance writing jobs. Some job sites focus on U.S. workers and others will focus on international workers
Joining an association within your industry provides you with some clout. It also offers many networking opportunities, job listings, or a newsletter you can advertise or write to show off your expertise.


1. Post your skills and give appropriate details of your abilities, any prior work experience and the amount you are going charge for per hour of work.
2. People who have some task to be done in your domain will post the jobs or will directly contact you if they like your profile.
3. Just complete their task and they will pay you the decided amount.



Get Paid For Tweeting


Get Paid For Tweeting

If you are someone who loves Twitter and was eagerly waiting to discover a way of making money online on Twitter, then there’s good news for you.
You can make money on Twitter just my posting “sponsored tweets.
Of Course, Twitter is not going to make a millionaire but it’s a good way to earn instant money.
If you have a big follower base then you can make up to $50 to $100 per tweet, and $5 to $20 per tweet for a smaller follower base.
The money you’ll make will also depend on demographics of your followers and niche.
For example, if you are a network marketer with thousands of followers and most of your followers belong from countries like USA, UK, Canada, Australia then there’s a very high chance that most of the network marketing companies will pay you above $50 per sponsored tweet.

Suitable For

Anyone who loves social media and is active on it daily.

Skills Required

To make money on Twitter, you would also need an efficient way to publish, schedule, monitor, listen, comment, and so on.

How To Get Started

In simple terms, if you have a good following on Twitter, you can leverage it for making some money online.
The biggest benefit of this method is that you don’t need to invest even a single dollar neither there’s any need for a website or any other technical setup.
Just tweet and earn!


Step to Making Money on Twitter: Create A Killer Twitter Profile and Grow Your Following then follow the given website links


You agree to send out a specific number of tweets on a specific schedule, and you get paid a lump sum.

Top Websites of Do Interview Transcribing



Become A Graphic Designer


Become A Graphic Designer

Graphic design is one of the most important aspects for businesses because graphics is something that catches our attention and attracts us towards products and brands. Imagine, how would you feel when your newly purchased iPhone comes in a poorly designed, dull colored box? Not happy, right?  Quality graphics help to build the brand’s image into customer’s eyes, they create a long-lasting positive impression on people. Due to the rise of the internet and technology, new businesses are spawning up every day that’s why the need for eye-catching graphics has become crucial to many businesses. This is why there’s an ever growing demand for graphics designers.
You as a person who wants to make money online can leverage this opportunity to change your fortunes. As a graphics designer, most of your jobs will include designing websites, logo, print headers, illustrations and product interfaces.

Suitable For

Creative Persons - Artists, designers, painters.

How to Get Started

A prerequisite for a graphic designer is to be able to think creatively and use software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Illustrator to utilise your ideas. It is also important to learn graphic design theory. We highly recommend that new starters begin collecting free resources  to get familiar with design terminology and keyboard shortcuts. This will not only help you learn but will make you faster and more efficient as a designer!


1. Don’t Limit Yourself
Practice makes perfect, so the only way you’ll get better is by practicing your craft. That means constantly stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things, using new tools or even taking on new forms of work. Don’t become complacent in your field — learn to switch it up so that you’re not limiting your talents and growth.
2. Get to Know Your Software
Design and graphic arts in the modern age call for the use of various computer and design programs. Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, for instance, are two incredibly popular programs that you’ll likely include in your repertoire. To be honest, it doesn’t matter what tool or application you use. If it works for you, then great!
3. Your Work Will Get Better
Growth is inevitable — especially if you’re practicing your craft regularly. It’s just something that happens naturally over time. You’ll learn new techniques and styles, new apps and maybe even discover new talents you didn’t realise you had. Your performance and efficiency will also grow. Projects will be completed much faster and you’ll have better ideas.
4. The Customer Is Always Right
his is a tough pill to swallow, especially in a field where the work is your own and you’re pouring your blood, sweat and tears into it. Unfortunately, the customer is always right. Or, in your case, it’s not what you may want for a design, but it’s what the client wants. It’s easy to forget you’re doing actual work when you’re in the midst of something you love. Yet, that’s exactly the case. You’ve been commissioned by a client to create something of their choosing. You could absolutely love a design, image or final product only to find the client hates it.
5. Prioritise Your Design Portfolio\n\nIn a creative field, your portfolio is essentially the only resume you’ll ever need. You can show it to potential clients so they have a jumping off point. They can see your design skills and gauge whether or not your style matches their needs. That’s why it’s incredibly important to prioritise your portfolio early on. Set up a website to act as a public, professional portfolio. Use design techniques and content that a client might want to see on their own site. More importantly, when accepting work, think about how it’s going to look on that portfolio. Sometimes you’ll have to accept a project just to get by, but that doesn’t mean you need to include it on your portfolio. Showcase only your best.
6. Never Work for Free
When you’re starting out you’ll be inclined to take cheap or free work to pad out your portfolio. It’s ultimately up to you what you do, but you’re likely better off avoiding projects that are too far below your skillset. When you work for free or relatively cheap, you devalue yourself and your talents. That’s never a good thing and it sets a precedent that many clients will follow.
7. Get a Deposit Before Starting
Piggybacking off the tip above, always get a deposit or initial fee before starting work. The unfortunate part of telecommute and remote jobs is that the client or customer has no recourse to pay you when it’s all done. You’re simply taking their word that they will send you the money you’re owed. If and when they don’t, that’s when all hell breaks loose. To save yourself the trouble, always ask for a deposit up front. That way, if the client takes off and doesn’t pay the full amount, you at least have something in return for the time you invested. And in a creative business, time is money.
8. Ask Questions
Never assume you know what a client or manager wants. This could lead to an extensive development process on your end that turns out to be all for naught. Right up front, ask as many questions about the project and your duties as you need. A great question to ask is what your client or manager is expecting of the finished product. This cuts right down to the meat, letting you see what’s most valuable to them with respect to your design and work.

9. Network and Make Contacts

You could be the most skilled and experienced contractor in the world, with the best designs and sketches anyone has ever seen. But none of that matters if you’re all alone. Why? Because at some point you’re going to come up against a project or task you’ll need help with. It’s these times where your networking and connections really pan out. Maybe you met someone who is super good at coding and development? Maybe you met a writer who can whip up some web copy for you? Learn to network early and make connections even in other fields, as this will help you in the future.


As an entry level graphics designer, you can expect to earn $15-$35 per hour. Once you reach an intermediate level, you can expect to earn $35-$60 per hour. You will make $65-$100+ per hour once you have lots of experience and positive reviews.But Never Ever Work for FREE

You can find Graphic Design works by visiting following websites/URLs:


Instagram Marketing


Instagram Marketing

In recent years, Instagram has become a real force in the social media world. With over 500 million monthly active users, Instagram has become a favorite social media channel for many brands. These brands are now spending a substantial amount of their social media budget for gaining more customers and leads from Instagram. So, this is the best time to cash in on the growing popularity of Instagram. If you are ready to put in the time and efforts, you can definitely grow your Instagram account to a level which can fetch you serious money online.

Suitable For

People who love to use Instagram.
1. Ability to take good quality photographs.
2. Ability to edit photos professionally.
3. Ability to edit high quality photos or wallpapers using tools such Canva, Befunky, Adobe Post etc
4. Creativity and imagination.

How to Get Started

To get started all you need is an Instagram account, a nice username, attractive profile picture and impressive bio. If you are ready with these things, then you are ready to post and begin your marketing campaign.


1. Select your niche: Before you can start marketing on Instagram, you need to pick a niche in which you’re going to operate. The best way to find a suitable niche for yourselves is to look at the things which interest you the most or the things in which you are good at. For example, if you are a fashionista and love to stay updated with the latest fashion trends then you can start an Instagram account on which you can regularly share fashion trends, styles, tips and tricks with your audience.
2. Fill out your bio correctly: Your bio is the first place where your potential followers get the information about you. So you need to make sure it is creating the perfect first impression on them. You can add one or two liner description, a link to your website, and emoticons for catching attention. You can also add in few keywords and a couple of hashtags to ensure that you’re easily searchable by the right kind of followers.
3. Create posts for your ideal followers: Before you can start posting images on your account do some research and find out what people like the most in your niche? Which images are going to appeal them? Which taglines will make the best impact on them? And so on. Finding answers to questions mentioned above will help you to create targeted posts which will fetch in lots of true followers to your account.
4. Post regularly: To grow your followers at a faster rate, you must post several images per day. But make sure you don’t post all of them at once, post them at a different time in a day.Sometimes if you are too busy to post several images then try to post at least one picture every day.
5. Use only high-quality images: Your Instagram account should be a brand. So make sure you are posting only high-quality images with best effects. There’s no point is posting low-quality images as they all decrease your account’s value. High-quality images build a long lasting visual impression into the minds of your followers, they also help to catch the eyes of the many casual browsers who will just discover you only because your high-quality image grabbed their attention, eventually increasing your followers.
6. Use relevant hashtags: Hashtags is the most dominant feature of Instagram, if used cleverly they’ll help your posts to reach millions of people who might be interested in your profile. Do some research and find the best hashtags within your niche and make sure you are including them in every single post. Visit the website for discovering most popular tags within your niche. Also keep the hashtags relevant, and don’t try to fit in too many. Instagram allows you to post 30 hashtags per post.
7. Engage with your followers: You need to interact with your followers to build trust, get an insight into their problems, needs, and expectations so that you can use this data to bring in more relevant content for them. A simple way to engage with your current followers or potential followers within your niche is by liking their images, providing valuable comments or even following them back. You can even run daily contests which might seem relevant to your followers. For example, a reputed watch brand runs a “Pic of the day” of the day contest in which they ask their customers to post images wearing the brand’s watch. They then select the best image out of submitted ones and post it on their Instagram profile. Followers like such contests because if selected they get the chance to become popular among the brand’s other followers.

Instagram Monetization

Following are the best ways to make money on Instagram

1. Affiliate Marketing

This is a good way to start making money especially when your Instagram account has gathered few thousand followers and is growing fast. Affiliate marketing on Instagram is quite different than other traditional channels such as blogging and video marketing. Here you’ll need to post beautiful images of the products you want to promote and drive sales by placing your affiliate URL into your bio or caption.
Following are the URLs of the few reputed companies where you can sign up as an affiliate and get started

2.Create Sponsored Post

If you have a high engagement with your followers, you can earn some handsome money by creating sponsored posts for brands. A sponsored post is nothing but a regular post which contains a high-quality image or a video that highlights a product or a brand. You get paid for every sponsored post. Payment varies based on your popularity, influence, engagement, follower demographics and so on. The aim of any sponsored post is to create awareness about a product or a brand within your followers. But while doing so make sure that you choose only a product or a brand that is relevant to your audience and is a good fit for your own personal image on Instagram.\n\nFollowing are the names and URLs of companies where you can visit and register yourself as an influencer
Tapinfluence - (URL - )- (URL - ) - (URL - )

3.Sell your photo

If you are taking high-quality photographs and professionally editing for your Instagram posts then why not sell them to make some extra cash? There are many individuals, bloggers, and businesses who are always looking for new and creative photographs. Instagram can help you to find them and sell your snaps. There’s a very simple way of doing this. Add a watermark to your images and list all the selling and contact details precisely within the caption. People who are interested in purchasing them will contact, and you can sell your shots to them.
Following are the names of some trusted sites where you can put your Instagram photos for sale.

4. Sell your own product

If you personally create any product or you are a retailer, you need to leverage the power of Instagram for getting more sales. Product promotion works great on Instagram because you can post personalized photos of your products which cannot be found anywhere else. You can use many promotional tactics such as creating beautiful infographics, asking existing customers to post the pictures of them using your product or even post pictures of the raw materials and actual product creation process

5. Sell your Instagram account

If you already made it big on Instagram by gathering millions of followers. You’ve achieved all your goals or just you need to move on from Instagram to doing something else. If you want to go away from Instagram, you’ll be happy to know that you can sell you Instagram account and earn some hefty amount of money. The price of your Instagram account will depend on the niche, number of followers, engagement and so on.
Here’s the list of few legitimate websites where you can sell your Instagram account:



Publish A Kindle eBook


Publish A Kindle eBook

Publishing an Kindle eBook is another simple way of generating consistent passive income. Did you know that is the biggest competitor to Google than any other search engine like Yahoo or Bing? More shoppers try to search a product on Amazon than on any traditional search engine. When people want in-depth information on a specific topic, they don’t search for blog posts on Google but instead try to find a highly recommended book on Amazon. Your aim should be to leverage the power of’s growing outreach and popularity to generate a stable passive income source.

Suitable For

People who have in-depth knowledge on a certain topic or love to do research and explain it in an easily understood from and have ability to provide detailed insights on a particular topic.

How to Get Started

Follow this Link from the official kindle Direct Publishing, Amazon Websites:


1. Research, research and research. It is the key to successful Kindle eBook product. Research about what people are looking for in the domain related to your eBook's topic.
For example, if you are creating an eBook on ‘Yoga exercises to lose weight' look for how many people are looking for yoga exercises to lose weight on the internet and Amazon? What are their expectations from a book? You can easily conduct this research by studying the comments, reviews and popularity of the existing competitor's books on Amazon.
2. Write for one reader. When you know your ideal reader, you know how much he/she already knows. You can avoid boring him/her with obvious information, and you can provide exactly the information he/she’s looking for.
3. Check out how many people are asking questions on the topic you have chosen, using websites such as Quora, Yahoo Answers, and WikiAnswers.More questions mean more people are looking for answers and that’s a good sign.
4. Look out for the market gaps in your selected domain. And see whether there’s demand for some topic, see whether your eBook can cater that demand.
5. Visit and see how many books are present in your selected domain. Are people buying those books? This will help you to understand the demand and purchasing ability of the market in your domain.
6. Find a few friendly readers who match your ideal reader profile and give them your first draft. Not only will they help make your book better, it will also boost your confidence.


Sign up to Kindle Direct Publishing Program, with this you award exclusive distribution rights for your Kindle eBook to Amazon. This will allow you to sell your eBook in all the countries where is available giving it a massive exposure at launch. Create a small niche site on the related topic and promote your eBook through it. The more eBooks you sell the more money you make.


Develop Mobile Apps


Develop Mobile Apps

Mobile app development is the act or process by which a mobile app is developed for mobile devices, such as personal digital assistants, enterprise digital assistants or mobile phones.

Suitable For

People who like to develop mobile apps.

Skills Required

Today many online app maker tools are available which allows you to create mobile apps even if you don't have any knowledge of Android or iOS programming.
To find online app maker tools, Google search 'andoid app maker' or 'ios app maker' .
But if you have the knowledge of Android or iOS app programming it will be an advantage, but not necessary.
You must understand how mobile app stores work and how to market your app on them.

How to Get Started

1. Just learn how to code everything.
2. Pick an Idea.
3.Define the Core Functionalities.
4. Sketch Your App.
5. Use app builders and some coding (using BF SDK).
6. Building the App.

Time Required For Starting CPA Marketing

Depends on the expertise of the app developer and scope of the app.


1. Find out users’ likes & dislikes.
Right platforms and features.
3. Offline Friendliness.
Make simple apps just like a smartphone.
Ads & Banners: Keep it limited.
Customized Design.
One App For One Reason.
Choose the right people.

How To Monetize

1. Upload a free app on Android’s Play store and Apple’s App store. Monetize it with AdMob, Google’s mobile advertising network.
2. Upload a paid app, set some initial price for downloading the app.
3. More people will download your app more money you will make.
4. You can also promote affiliate products through your app and earn extra commissions.

Top 10 Develop Mobile Apps

            1. Udacity :
            2. Udemy :
            3. Lynda :
            4. Tree House :
            5. PluralSight :
            6. skillwise :
            7. skillshare :
            8. code school :
            9. Careeer Foundry :
            10. TutsPlus :


Make Money with Online Surveys


Make Money with Online Surveys

Here you can make money by completing small surveys which takes 5 minutes to 20 minutes depending on the requirement of a particular company.You need to write your feedback & opinion in a survey. You just have to select your choice from the question & there is no need to write anything.You can make $1 to $20 depending on the length of the survey, your profile & the country you are living in. You can find more about paid surveys.

Suitable For

If you’re like most people, you have opinions about everything, from the features you want in a smartphone to the policy positions of political candidates. By sharing your thoughts, you can earn extra income by taking online surveys.


To have the most success taking surveys online, keep these tips in mind:Create an e-mail account that you use just for taking surveys. This will help keep you organized, and will protect your personal private inbox from the heavy influx of emails you can expect after signing up with several survey sites.


Most of the companies send your income in your PayPal account. is free to join where you can add your bank account & receive money from PayPal to any of your bank account in India.

10 Best Survey sites


Write Poetry and sell


Write Poetry and sell

Suitable For

Almost anyone who loves to write.

Skills Required

Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.
alking to others to convey information effectively.

How to Get Started

Do writing exercises.
Get inspired by your environment and those close to you.
Pick a specific theme or idea.
Choose a poetic form.
Read examples of poetry.


1. Sell a Poem to a Magazine or Anthology.
2. Sell a Book of Poetry.
3. Self-Publish and Sell Your Own Chapbooks.
4. Start a Poetry Blog.
5. Win a Contest.
6. Place Your Poetry on Content Sites.
7. Write Greeting Cards.
8. Teach.
9. Write Songs.
10. Publish Your Own Poetry Magazine or Anthology Series

How to Monetization

1. Create a high traffic blog.
2. Turn your poetry into eBooks, Books, etc.
3. Submit your poems to both print and online magazines.
4. Use Social Media.
5. Write for the greeting card companies.
6. Look for appropriate spin-offs of the poetry publishing biz.
7. Start your own business.

Top websites where publish your story

            1. Thw Sun Magzine :
            2. Poetry Foundation :
            3. Ratttle :
            4. Crazy Horse :
            5. Three Penny Review :
            6. Slice Magzine :


Write Slogans And Tagline


Write Slogans And Taglines

Are you creative enough to describe any product or service in a sentence.
Can you convey a broad message in few concise words?
If yes, then you can definitely make money online writing slogans and taglines.
Most of the companies need corporate taglines, product taglines and advertising slogans.
The aim of such slogans is to convey a strong message using short phrases.
Mostly slogans are very short or containing few words or a small sentence like Apple’s “Think Different.”
But no matter how small they are, they’ll always give you a strong and broad message.
It's the reason why creativity is really important while creating a slogan.
Apart companies many Tee-shirt, sticker, toy and greeting card makers need catchy sayings or funny one-liners to print on their products.
You can also write slogans and thoughts for these people and make some extra money.

Suitable For

Avid readers, thinkers

Skills Required

Creative thinking

How To Get Started

If you are not used to creating slogans then I suggest you to visit following sites to get some ideas flowing in your head.
It’s simple online bot that generates random phrases from the words or sentences you type in. It won’t give you a complete slogan but it will give you many ideas.
It’s a great place for finding popular quotes. People love quotes and you can definitely use them to cultivate some new slogan ideas.
Most of the companies and advertising agencies run slogan writing contests in which anyone can participate.
Following are the reputed websites where you can register yourself and participate in the ongoing slogan writing contests:
Companies create slogan contests on this site, once you are registered on the site you can compete with other slogan writers.
It’s free to register on this site and as per the claims of the company you can make up to $999 per contest (subtracting their small admin fee).
It’s a wonderful platform that helps companies to create custom, catchy and creative slogans.
Companies create a contest here and writers from all over the world start providing with business slogan ideas.
You can signup on Getaslogan for free, but this site will assign you levels. Initially you’ll be at level 0. As you go on winning slogan contests or make to the final round, your level will improve.
Your level is important on this platform as higher reward contests are only available to the writer with higher levels.
You can participate in any number of contests and can make any amount of money, there’s no limitation.
Freelancer has a special section reserved for slogan writing projects. People will post slogan related jobs and a budget.
You’ll find multiple jobs posted at any time, you can select any job that suits you the most and place the bids accordingly.
Another way to maximize your income from writing slogans is to upload your them on online marketplaces which sell on demand custom made merchandize.
Following are the marketplaces where you should consider selling your slogans:


1. Highlight a key benefit.
2. Explain the company's commitment.
3. Keep it short.
4. Give them a rhythm, rhyme, and ring.
5. Stay honest.

Monetization has a section devoted to slogan-writing projects. The projects are  sometimes run as contests.
Writing Corporate Slogans and Taglines.

Tips Link for Writing Slogans And Tagline

2. 3.
4. 5.


Start A Book Review Site


Start A Book Review Site

What is a Book review site?
As the name suggests a book review website is a website where reviews about the books get published.

Suitable For

People who have the passion for reading books.

Skills Required

Ability to provide in-depth, honest and a versatile review of a book.

Time Required For Starting Book Review Website

You can start a website virtually within hours. In this case creating a website is not a big challenge but providing honest and appealing reviews is.
If you have read a lot of books since your childhood then providing reviews about a decent number of books won’t be challenging.
But if you are just starting to read books then I won’t suggest you choose this way because it might take a lot of time to read a decent number of books and then provide reviews.


1. Begin with a brief summary of the book.
This is probably the best way to introduce any review because it gives context. But make sure to not go into too much detail. Keep it short and sweet since an official summary can be found through a quick google search!
2. Pick out the most important aspects of the book
Dedicate a paragraph to each of these important aspects, discussing how well the author dealt with it, along with what you enjoyed and what you didn’t enjoy.
3. Include brief quotes as examples
Including quotes is always a great idea, because it gives examples for everything that you’re saying! If your review talks about a character being particularly witty, a witty line from the character lets your readers see exactly what kind of witty character you’re dealing with here.
4. Write a conclusion that summarises everything
Like your introduction, keep your conclusion short and sweet! It should bring up the main points of your review, along with your overall opinion of the book.
5. Find similar books
A great way to wrap up a review is to find similar books to the one you’re reviewing. So you can say, “if you were a fan of X book, I think you’ll definitely like this one!

How To Monetize

Become Amazon affiliate. Promote books on your website using your amazon affiliate links.
Using your reviews persuade people to buy books through your affiliate links.
More people will buy books from your affiliate link more money you make.

Tips Link for Start a Book Review Site



Sell A Video Course On Udemy


Sell A Video Course On Udemy

Udemy is an online learning marketplace. It has a huge collection of courses in everything from programming to yoga to photography and much more. You can create a course in text, audio and video formats. Every course is available on demand and students can learn at their own pace, on their own time and on any device.

Suitable For

People who like to teach, explain and solve problem and ability to express knowledge in easily understood form.

How to Get Started

Step 1: Plan Your Course

Planning your course is the first step on your course creation journey and it’s very important to provide yourself with a solid foundation for building the rest of your course.
Decide what you want to teach. You probably have an idea of what you want to teach, and now it's time to get really specific.
Identify what you want your users to learn from your course. Determining this now will go a long way in helping you create a great course structure.
Scope the content of your course to ensure that there is enough content for users to engage with and achieve their objectives. This is also where you think through how you want to organize your content.  Be sure to conclude each section with either a quiz or a summary to sum up what users have learned.
Break down your course into smaller, bite-sized lectures and describe what they each need to accomplish.  This step is to help you get more detailed about your content, and break it down into individual sections and lectures. Write a lecture description for each lecture, summarizing what users will learn.

Step 2: Produce Your Course

This is the most important part of your course creation process.
As you're creating your lectures, consider different types of users. Video lectures should alternate between the different lecture types and also between presentation styles such as “talking head”, slides, screencasts and drawing boards. Upload your promotional video so that users can preview your course.
We strongly encourage you to include practice activities throughout the course to keep users engaged--at least one per section. These can take many different forms depending on the content, but may include quizzes, case studies or projects. For more in-depth information about practice activities, take a look at our course: Official Udemy Insights: Adding Practice Activities (please note: you can access this course by searching for it in your Udemy for Business account)
Use the bulk uploader to upload your videos into your course.  You can also use the uploader to upload any other resources you’re including (supplemental resources, PDF, audio, or presentation lectures). Once your videos are uploaded, go through your outline and associate the videos with the correct lecture.

Step 3: Polish Your Course

In this step we’re talking about making your course ready for publishing.
Craft a compelling course summary
Take another look at your course title, and add in a subtitle.
Create a course image.

Step 4: Publish Your Course

Admins: You are ready to publish your course!
Non-admins: you will need to submit the course for review and an admin will need to approve it for publishing.


1. Pick a topic in which you are specialized in.
2. Study the courses relevant to your topic and see how many people are interested and have actually enrolled in the courses.
This will give you a rough understanding of the people who are interested in your topic and willing to invest in your course.
3. Study the other available courses and find out the things which you can offer that will make your course much better, different than other available courses.
4. Identify your audience level and then create the course content. \n For e.g. You need to first decide whether your course is for a beginner level or an expert level audience.
Then accordingly you need to create your course content which appeals to the right audience.
5. Make sure your course title and description is optimized for appealing your target audience .
Try to answer the frequent questions that your audience asks in your course description.
6. Deliver at least 80% of your course in video format as it is the most engaging way of interaction.
Also keep the length of each video lesson between 2-10 minutes.
7. Build a rapport with the audience, and engage. You can always do a quiz ups between lectures to make it engrossing and interactive.


1. Udemy gets a lot of daily visitors so there is a good chance that your course will get noticed and people will enroll in and you will start earning.
2. You can even start a small blog on your course-related topics and promote your course.
3. More people sign up for your course more money you make.


Video Creation And Editing


Video Creation And Editing

Videos are a hot commodity right now, but not everyone knows how to make them, let alone edit them. This is where you could offer a video creation or editing service.

Suitable For

Anyone who loves to edit the pictures or videos

Skills Required

knowledge of media production and communication.
the ability to work well with others.
knowledge of computer operating systems, hardware and software.
to be flexible and open to change.

How To Get Started

Video Creation Service
Using free tools found online, you can quickly learn how to combine text, pictures, and audio, and turn those elements into a video for online customers.
Here's a short list of free online tools that you can use to get started:
Audacity for audio files
Camstudio for creating videos for presentation software similar to PowerPoint
Jing for creating screen captures Samples_and_Loops/for royalty-free musical loop directories for adding music to the videos that you create.
Video Editing Services
Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned professional, you can easily sell your services to edit videos.
If you're a total newbie at this, you will find hundreds of tutorials online, both written and as videos showing you how to edit a video.
It will not take you very long to understand how everything works. It will take you an even shorter amount of time as you get better at this task.
To edit videos for clients, these are the components that you will ask your customer to provide to you:
1. A script. The words that will go on each slide within the video presentation. The goal is 10 words or less for each slide; the simpler the better is what creates an effective message.
2. A musical loop in a MP3 format. You can purchase musical loops (a short instrumental or musical song) by category and have them shipped to you on CD, or you can download the loops to your computer.
If the customer is not providing a musical loop, then you will choose the musical track that will go along with the video presentation.
3. Sometimes the customer will provide a voiceover, which is an audio file that you will need to add to the video.
The audio formats vary depending upon how they were recorded and saved.
Make sure you understand which files you will be able to work with according to the free software that you downloaded from the Internet.
In summary, using free tools that you can find online, you can learn how to create and edit videos for customers.


1. Choose the Right Software
2. Picking the Right Computer
3. Editing For a Story
4. Keyboard Shortcuts Are Your Friend
5. Learn the Lingo
6. Good Music Changes Everything
7. Exporting for the Web
8. Color Considerations
9. Titles and Graphics


You can sell these services to individual business owners by approaching them through e-mail or their website contact form.
You can advertise your work for hire services in any of the online forums, and you may even offer your services to webmasters as an add-on bonus perk for their customers.
You can even start a video creation or editing gig on or register yourself as a video creator and editor on
The video creation and editing market is wide open right now, and serious cash is ready to be made.

Tips Links for Video Creation And Editing



Create Niche Websites

Create Niche Websites

Niche Website is a small website focused on one particular topic which shares all the information relevant to the topic that is both useful and interesting for the target audience. A niche website can be of few pages or even of hundreds of pages depending upon the size of the niche.

Suitable For

1. People who have an interest in a very specific topic within a large domain.
For e.g. In large a domain like Yoga, you can choose specific sub-domain such as ‘Yoga to lose weight.
2. People who love to talk, write, explain and have the ability to persuade.

How to Get Started

You can start a Niche Website within a day by Normally HTML website or using Wordpress. But creating a good content for the website might take time.


1. Write out as many niche site ideas as you can, using the sub-domain that interests you the most.
2. Narrow down your niche idea based on finding the answers to the following questions:
What is the audience size of your niche?
Is your audience known for spending money for purchasing the niche related products?
Are there multiple products available which you review on your site?
Are there affiliate programs that provide more than 50% commissions?
What is your investment budget?
3. Create at least 10 articles of rich content containing 1000 words, those articles will provide great value to your niche targeted audience.
4. Sign up for at least 2 affiliate programs that offer products related to your niche with more than 50% commissions.
5. Do keyword research and find at least 15-20 niche relevant search terms and try to rank your site for them.
6. Try to network with the owners of the authority blogs in your niche and find guest blogging opportunities.


Once ready to service the visitors with the relevant content, sign up for Google Adsense, which when appear on your website and clicked by visitors help you make money. The more the traffic you get on your website, the more will be the potential for higher earnings.
Promote the products relevant to the topic of your niche website by placing affiliate links in the content and sidebar of your site. Try to get more visitors to your site by doing SEO, forum marketing, social media and paid ads.More people visit your niche site and buy products through your affiliate link, more money you make. How about creating 10 more Niche Websites with every site generating $500 a month in affiliate commission that would be $5000 of passive income per month.
